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Digital Detox: 24 Hours Unplugged


ORLANDO, FL (Ivanhoe Newswire) --- Smartphones, computers, gaming systems, and smart TVs may not fill every nook and cranny, but gradually, these devices are taking up residence and bandwidth in our homes and brains. According to Pew Research, the typical American home contains approximately five connected devices. However, over connection can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.

Forty three percent of people check their emails, messages, and social media constantly. If you’re stuck in your iPhone’s cloud, it may be time for a digital detox.

Start with turning off or snoozing any notifications that are not necessary. If you need help, download the freedom app, it lets you block whatever sites distract you the most.

Also, try establishing no phone zones. A good place to start is at mealtimes. Research in the journal Environment and Behavior found that even if you’re not checking your phone, simply having it on the table during a conversation can reduce the quality of the interactions. When you’re out to dinner with friends, make a deal, the first person to check their phone pays the tab.

You can also establish tech-free hours. Soaking up real time instead of screen time can reduce anxiety and increase happiness.

Finally, clean out your social media accounts. If it doesn’t make you feel good, it’s worth deleting.

If you feel addicted to your phones, there’s a reason for that. checking our devices activates the reward part of our brain, triggering the body to release the pleasure hormone dopamine. Beware though, that feeling is short-lived and can be detrimental to your well-being.