NewsLocal News


Dave Roberts: "The Rookie" part 2

Posted at 11:21 PM, Feb 08, 2024
and last updated 2024-02-08 23:21:18-05

HOWARD COUNTY, Md. — He made his papa proud. He made his wife and daughters proud, and soon, he will make Howard County proud.

After two decades of being out of the business, he is back in business, protecting us.

Dave "The Rookie" Roberts is on day seven of training. "I was inspired by my daughter," said the 50-something father of two.

His youngest daughter, Natalie, is a sophomore at Marriotts Ridge. She is also in the same Explorers program her dad went through as a youngster. It teaches what law enforcement is all about.

"He seemed to be on board with it," as Natalie brought home an idea that seemed to go over well. How about Dad join the Howard County Police Department?

He got on Instagram, found the right police app, and away he went.

Yes, his advanced age worried him, but he was told, "If you can pass everything and be successful, then you are in."

Successful???? How about being the "Best Overall Recruit"!

He not only left 20-somethings in the dust when the physical part came up, but he turned into "Pops and Grandpops" to them. Dave has experience. Right after four years in the Army, this City High grad came back to the City to guard the City - just like his dad did for 30 years.

But after six years on the job, Dave went into the private sector. His wife of 23 years, Carmen, said, "I don't think he was done with his career."

His wedding tux still fits, but his police uniform is different, including body-worn cameras. Dave said it best: "I've always been impressed with the agency, and it's great to be a part of it.