UPDATE: Tzion Maron, 8, was found safe late Thursday morning.
The Coconino County Sheriff's Office confirmed to ABC News that a volunteer search and rescue group out of Rockland County, NY, Chaverim of Rockland County, flew in Thursday morning to assist with the search.
The Baltimore child also has family in Rockland County and they had contacted the organization.
14 members flew in to assist with the search and utilized a drone to help locate the child.
The gathering to recite Psalms in prayer at the Ohr HaChaim synagogue will continue as scheduled "for all those still not found and for expression of gratitude to the almighty" according to the Rabbi of the synagogue.
A young boy from Baltimore is missing in Arizona.
The Coconino County Sheriff's Office said 8-year-old Tzion Maron was last seen Wednesday night at the Lava River Caves.
Tzion reportedly became separated from his family near the cave entrance around 6:15pm pacific time.
Several search teams have since combed through the area with no signs of Tzion.
His mother, Rivka Maron, teaches at Bais Yaakov in Baltimore.
The school issued a statement which read in part, "Tzion Maron, son of beloved high school teacher, Mrs. Rivka Maron, is in need of Tefillos [prayers]. He was on a trip in Arizona with his family and has been missing since yesterday evening. Search efforts are underway."
For purposes of traditional Jewish prayer for those in need, Tzion's Hebrew name is Tzion ben Chaya Rivka.

A gathering to recite Psalms in prayer for his safe return has been scheduled Thursday at the synagogue Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim on Clarks Lane at 7:15pm.
If you have any information about Tzion's whereabouts, you are asked to call the Coconino County Sheriff's Office at 928-774-4523 or Silent Witness at 928-774-6111.
ABC15 News, our sister station in Phoenix, AZ contributed to this reporting.