A stressful day at work could be what's contributing to recent weight gain. A Career Builder survey polled 3,000 American workers and found that 44 percent believe they've gained weight in their current position.
Of those workers who say they've gained weight, nearly half of them say they can't exercise after finishing up a work day because they're too tired.
More than half say they've gained weight from simply sitting all day. More than a third say stress-related eating is to blame.
A staffing recruiter says if you want to drop the weight, try taking the stairs and park farther away from the front door. Take short, scheduled breaks throughout the work day to get you off your seat -- and don't be afraid to do a little stretching too.
Putting a mirror on your desk helps you hold yourself accountable when you feel the need to reach for snacks. If you're craving something sweet, chewing gum can help satisfy your taste buds and get rid of tension.