A cat leads the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on a wild chase, for a week!
The cat, Pepper, escaped from her carrier when her owners were checking in for their flight at John F. Kennedy International Airport from New York to China. Her owners couldn't catch her in time, and head to board their flight without her.
This is my friend's cat Pepper (中文名:呆萌). She's four years old and has microchip in her. Please inbox me or the airport officials if you ever see her. All leads are greatly appreciated! We miss her so much. Here's a recent picture of her. pic.twitter.com/vT7eoUowRY
— ntp17 (@tn_nt17) April 21, 2018
Port Authority officers worked for days to try and catch Pepper. Laying humane traps and leaving food in areas where she had been spotted.
Pepper still remains elusive in JFK Airport's Terminal 4 but, Pepper appears healthy. #PAPD police officers are continuing their efforts to rescue Pepper and return to her owner. Officers have been leaving food for Pepper in the areas of her sightings. #PAPDPROTECTSNYNJ pic.twitter.com/owuBgCLq3b
— Port Authority PBA (@PAPD911) April 27, 2018
There were several sightings, including one time Pepper was seen up in the rafters of a terminal.
After a number of close calls the 4-year-old tabby was finally caught over the weekend.
Port Authority Police rescue Pepper the Cat in Terminal 4, JFK. P.O. Kameel Juman (front, left) led the effort which included enlisting Pepper's owner's friend Nuan Lang (front, right). Rear, L-R #PAPD POs Ann Armstrong, Alfred Morgado & Sean McCafferty. #PAPDPROTECTSNYNJ #Pepper pic.twitter.com/kfEj6O8S38
— Port Authority PBA (@PAPD911) April 28, 2018
Officers say Pepper appears to be healthy. Right now she is being looked after by a friend of her owners, because her family is still in China.