

Goucher Poll: Hogan's approval remains high, Biden's drops in Maryland

Support for legalization of marijuana dips
Gov. Hogan

BALTIMORE — A new poll takes a closer look at key issues in Maryland and how people view their lawmakers.

The latest Goucher College Poll surveyed 700 Maryland adults from October 14 to 20, 2021. Here are some of the results from the poll.

Legalizations of Recreational Marijuana:

  • 60% support
  • 33% oppose it
  • Slight decline since March 2021 poll where 67% supported

Attitudes Toward Abortion:

  • 88% want to keep abortion legal
  • 44% legal in all circumstances
  • 44% legal under certain circumstances

Spending on Public Education:

  • Too little: 54%
  • Right amount: 31%
  • Too much: 9%

Spending on Public Transportation:

  • Too little: 40%
  • Right amount: 43%
  • Too much: 9%

Spending on Roads and Highways:

  • Too little: 47%
  • Right amount: 41%
  • Too much: 8%

State Parks:

  • Too little: 27%
  • Right amount: 59%
  • Too much: 6%

Housing and Community Development:

  • Too little: 47%
  • Right amount: 30%
  • Too much: 15%

Unemployment Assistance:

  • Too little: 32%
  • Right amount: 34%
  • Too much: 27%

Interests in Visiting A State Park:

  • 51% very interested
  • 33% somewhat interested
  • 16% not interested

The visitation rates to Maryland state parks have significantly increased over the past two years, according to an analysis by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
“Skyrocketing visitation rates to Maryland state parks over the past two years have left the Department of Natural Resources struggling to meet the increased demand. Our results indicate that parks will continue to be a sought-after destination for many state residents over the next year,” says Mileah Kromer, director of the Sarah T. Hughes Center for Politics at Goucher College.

Governor Hogan remains popular in Maryland:

  • 68% approve
  • 22% disapprove
  • 7% don't know
  • 59% say Maryland is heading in the right direction
  • 31% say Maryland is off on the wrong track
  • 53% positive view of Maryland economy
  • 37% negative view of economy

Marylanders were also asked about President Biden and Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin:

  • 53% approve of President Biden
  • 43% disapprove
  • Drop since March 2021 poll where 62% approved of Biden and 31% disapproved

Senator Chris Van Hollen:

  • 44% approve
  • 26% disapprove
  • 29% don't know

Senator Ben Cardin:

  • 46% approve
  • 26% disapprove
  • 26% don't know

Both senators earn majority support from registered Democrats:

  • 62% approve of Cardin
  • 56% approve of Van Hollen

Marylanders were also asked whether they believe Maryland is a Northern or Southern state:

  • 65% say it's more of a Northern state
  • 27% say it's more of a Southern state

The second part of the poll will be released Wednesday at 12:01 a.m.