

Yahoo security breach biggest in U.S. history, users instructed to change passwords

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Yahoo is involved in the biggest digital breach of any email provider-ever, 500 million user accounts were compromised. Hackers swiped personal information now, the company is asking users to be vigilant for fraud.
Changing you password is also key.  This breach dates back to 2014 and is a state sponsored attack.  Cyber security experts tell ABC2 News, it's too soon too tell what kind of fall out the breach will have, but agree with Yahoo saying it's time for people to proactively protect themselves.
"I know my family all have Yahoo accounts like my parents and some of the people i work with so that's pretty devastating," said one concerned resident.
The stolen data includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, hashed passwords, and some unencrypted security questions and answers.
"Go and change your password immediately. The other thing you may want to consider is that if you use that password for other sites you would want to change that password as well," said chief information security officer for Compass Cyber Security.
Nemes recommends using strong passwords with a variety of letters, numbers and spaces.
Yahoo will notify potentially affected users by email and by posting information  to its website.
"I actually this morning changed all of my passwords on everything and it all used to be the same and i know you're not supposed to do that and now I see why," Samantha Jones said.
The internet giant is calling this breach a state sponsored attack.
"Most cases that's Russia or a China that compromised user information from password username to addresses, phone numbers, security questions,' Nemes said.
He continuing saying, think about your online safety in layers.
"Just like you would protect your home think about layers of protection in your home you have an alarm you have locks on your doors," he said.
Still, people are nervous that their personal information could be up for grabs.
"Right now I think we're going to start changing passwords at least once every two weeks,"  Edward Mazyck said.
The FBI and other law enforcement are investigating the incident.
Yahoo users click herefor more information.