

Try Mr. Trash Wheel's Lost Python Ale Saturday


Celebrate Earth Day and help keep the harbor clean with Mr. Trash Wheel.

The Healthy Harbor Initiative and Peabody Heights Brewery will launch their new "Mr. Trash Wheel's Lost Python Ale" at a launch party on Saturday.

All proceeds from the beer sales and the launch ticket sales will go toward cleaning the harbor.

Mr. Trash Wheel's Lost Python Ale will be available for purchase by the six-pack and by the case.

The beer is specially crafted in honor of Mr. Trash Wheel and the python who infamously made its way onto his wheel.

Launch party tickets cost $30 if purchased Friday and $35 at the door. Tickets are available here.

Those who attend can enjoy all-you-can drink Lost Python Ale and other Peabody Heights brews, live music and a limited edition Mr. Trash Wheel pint glass.

It runs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Peabody Heights Brewery, located at 401 E 30th St. in Baltimore.