YouTube videos, Facebook, Twitter and GPS on your smartphone. The apps all eat more and more data.
And in 2014, with the days of unlimited cell phone data plans just about over, most of us are now forced to keep an eye on our data usage.
The solution? Free Wi-Fi. But where do you find truly free Wi-Fi, without stealing from your neighbor?
The blog "Finance Triggers" has just listed the best spots to surf free.
Here are the top spots, according to the report:
- Starbucks: a comfy office away from home.
- The Public Library, especially if you need quiet.
- Barnes & Noble, and a bonus if they have a coffee shop inside too.
- Panera.
- McDonalds
- Most Dunkin Donuts
- Hotel and hospital lobbies.
Doesn't that stink?
But from the "doesn't that Stink" file, scammers trying to get into your laptop or phone when you log on.
They sometimes set up phony free Wi-Fi spots in coffee shops. You log onto their hot spot by accident, and they can get all your personal info and account numbers. Doesn't that stink?
Make sure you are logging on to the facility's true Wi-Fi spot, not just a hot spot that says "free public Wi-Fi." Ask the establishment if you're not sure.
And don't ever do credit card or banking business on free Wi-Fi.
Remember to turn off the Wi-Fi and use your data plan for anything sensitive that involves credit cards, bank accounts, or changing passwords.
That way you stay safe and you don't waste your money.
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